Do you offer the course as an xAPI package?

The 4 Seasons of Reconciliation course is available for purchase in SCORM file format, or by purchasing seats in Reconciliation Education's LMS. We do not offer xAPI.

👤 This article is for the main point of contact for a participating organization.

The 4 Seasons of Reconciliation course and other Reconciliation Education resources are available in SCORM format, or by purchasing a seat in Reconciliation Education's online course portal (LMS).

We do not currently offer xAPI/TinCan packages for purchase. Reconciliation Education does not produce TinCan/xAPI packages, for a number of reasons.

The main reason is that xAPI packages rely on completion 'calls' (called xAPI statements) to assess learning/tracking/completion, and this requires knowledge of and access to the client's LMS in order to correctly set up the package to ensure correct reporting.

xAPI packages are also able to track learner activities outside of the course or in other programs, which is outside the scope of our service to create and install.
Our goal is always to provide quality service and a product that we can confidently and capably service for all our clients in a timely fashion. Because of the restrictions of xAPI setup and formatting, we are not able to meet our quality commitment for this type of product.