Build engagement & drive completion by announcing the course to your learners

Gold-star launches include communication to your learners about the course before they receive their welcome email. Here are our pre-launch communication tips, and text samples to help you craft the perfect intro.

👤 This article is for the main point of contact for a participating organization.

We customized Words of Welcome, and we did a custom welcome email for the course. Why should we communicate to our learners a third time?

Gold-star launches all have one thing in common: high levels of engagement from learners. Higher engagement leads to better results for the health of your program, rates of learner completion, and the impact of your learning long-term. Letting your learners know what the course is in the welcome email and/or Words of Welcome lesson is absolutely a best practice and a great way to build engagement. But what happens if your learners never open the welcome email?

From our years of hosting eLearning launches, we've learned that the more learners know, the better; and the number one reason learners don't begin their learning journey or complete the course is losing or ignoring the welcome email because they don't know what it is.

Announcing the course to your learners before they receive their welcome email means there is a higher likelihood of them waiting for the email, opening the email, setting up their account, and committing to the learning when it enters their inbox. Learners often look forward to receiving their welcome emails - some have even let us know they've put their launch time alarms in their personal calendars! Capitalize on the opportunity to build this excitement, momentum, and engagement with your team by announcing the course to your learners before they receive their welcome email.

Best Practices for Pre-Launch Communications

We recommend two announcements:  

  1. A first general announcement with a video trailer or a course description a week or two in advance of your launch date; followed by
  2. A second communication 2-3 days immediately before the launch to remind learners to expect the course 'Welcome email' in their inbox, and to reiterate the course completion deadlines (if applicable).
  3. Finally, look for places to permanently post these announcements, such as internal organization forums, websites, HR newsletters, or in your organization's intranet. This is especially important if you're using a sign-up form - make sure there is a permanent location your learners can find the link to sign up!

In most cases, your learners will receive their welcome email from Reconciliation Education ( However, your organization may have opted to have your welcome emails sent from a dedicated internal email address (a purchasable upgrade to your license).

Please ensure that in your course communications, you have directed learners to expect the email from the correct email identity.

Content to Consider

  • Include a description of the course so your learners know what to expect. We have text available for you to use, here.
  • Inform your team that progress reports will provide your organization an update on learner progress through the course, and towards your organization's goal of meeting the TRC Calls to Action in the workplace - it's helpful to be transparent to your employees that their course completion progress will be tracked.
  • Let your learners know what your launch date or dates are. If you plan to extend training in phases, you can include that information as well! Learners appreciate knowing the larger plan.
  • Encourage a positive social peer learning environment by letting learners know to whom in the organization this course is available, and if you plan for discussions or closing events
  • Can they learn at their own pace or in one sitting, is there an internal deadline to complete the course? Communicating learning expectations & deadlines early makes for successful launches!
  • Don't forget to mention the certificate of completion from the First Nations University of Canada - learners love their certificates!